oyunu çalıştırırken güvenlik duvarını kapatmassanız crack i tanımaz 
Mody będące w trakcie produkcji (W.I.P.):
Ago Ergo Sum:When humanity passed the death, blood, poorness and illness of the Dark Ages and the Early Middleages, like a new dawn, the Late Medieval period began
The Night Hunters:this mod is going to make something like the Underworld movies, except based in the medival era
The Once and Future King:It is the magical epic of King Arthur and his shining Camelot
The Wutai war:this is a new final fantasy (7) mod
Norman Invasion:This will be a mod centered on the invasion of the south of Italy by the Normans
The Empires:adds improvements and more realistic units for each faction with a more late look on them
1866:a mod about Apaches and Comaches,south Mexican bandits and the US
The Fall of Zendar:The Calradic Empire is in decline and the emergence of factions once held under its way now threaten to throw Calradia into an era of war
Land Of Old:Promising half-fantasy mod
Revelation:A Clone Wars mod:new star wars mod
Modern Warfare:a mod about terrorists and swat
The Spice Must Flow:A Dune mod for Mount and Blade 0.960,In development
Galactic Mercenary: The Chaos Of War:Galactic Mercenary is set in a future fantasy environment
Calradia 1914:Calradia advances into 20th century and nations are in great war again
Age of Reason:The time frame is 1660-1680, Europe is, as always, in turmoil and rivalry.
Ottomans - 15th century:a mod focused on ottoman empire and his neighbours
Fallout:In 2015 a war raged through the world
The Peloponnesian War:mod based in the time of alexander the great
Liberty or Death:mod based on colonies in America in 1776
Warhammer 40k Mod:a mod thats looking far in the future!
The Peasant's Rebellion: Warhammer Battles:a mod based on the Warhammer world filled with war
Battle Royale Style Mod:mature school children are forced to fight it out until there's is only one survivor
The Age of the Rag'narok:It was an age where time did not exist,The Age of the Gods
Mody działające na wersji 0.960:
Might and Blade:Focusing on the brutal melee combat, take control of 5 completely new and revamped factions
Hundred Years War:a mod about 100 years of war between france and england
Cries of War Soundpackadds more sounds
Dionisia:Native gameplay is good,it could just be better,well this mod makes it better!
Colorful Textures:How something so simple can make such a difference!
Craftmod:this mod add skills like mining,smithing and woodcutting
God Mode:This mod gives player The strange armour, over 5000 hp, gives to the other heroes over 5000 hp too(borcha, ymira, rolf etc)player has very strong party...
BBQ's Armor pack:this one adds new sets of armors
Battle Morale:It is a system that tracks the situation on the battlefield as well as player's contribution to the fight.
Vocals Soundpack:Adds death screams to the old muffled back of the throat arr death sounds
A medieval Adventure:this one add a story line with a new quest line
Star Wars Mercenaries Mod:this is the imrpoved version of the original star wars mod
Return of Zendar:A mod allowing you to visit again Zendar, and few more extra things. This version includes more advanced storyline
Formations:adds different kinds of formations to the game
Ancient Swords Mini Mod:You will find 10 High Resolution swords all over the game
Star Wars Calradia Mod:like other two mods in this sections,This is a minor Star Wars mod
Troop Tree Expansion:Its aim is to increase the variety of troops within each faction while maintaining their pre-existing flavor overall
Calradia War Chronicle:characterizes each kingdoms graphical, and adds the enjoyment of the item collection
Hegemony 268 B.C.:Hegemony 268 B.C. tells the tale of 11 factions around the Mediterranean,and surrounding lands
Fix for Rhodoks:It basically improves the stats of the Rhodoks
Mount & Blade Assasin:The mod adds the mechanics and adjustment necessary to become an assasin type individual inside the features and adventures of the native game.
Dusselmod:A new Faction that Replaces the Rhodoks called the Outlaw Confederacy+adds/changes some other features
The Ballad of Serenity:The year is 2517, and the 'verse has finished one of the bloodiest conflicts in its history
Mody dzialajace na wersjiach 0.95x:
Burnt Trees:changes normal trees into burnt trees
Realistic Steel Textures:Mod replaces non-realistic dark and bluish steel textures of Native with new shiny and much more realistic ones
No More Trees:removes trees from the map and from the battles
Chaos at the Gates:Chaos at the Gates is an attempt to bring a darker atmosphere and a more consistent level of technology to Mount&Blade
Blood and Steel:Blood and steel adds many new troop types and attempts to make the game balanced
Britain 1299:a mod about Britain in 1299,during the Scottish War of Independance
The Hooded Man:western mod
Battle Size Changer:you can change the battle size with this
Mody działające na wersjach 0.90x:
Expanded Gameplay:The aim of this mod is a balanced, enjoyable gameplay, a fun alternative to Native
A Song of Ice and Fire Mod:a mod based on based on on epic fantasy novels by George R. R. Martin.
Bandit King:The basis of the mod is that it permits the player to remain neutral, and to 'finish' the game by eliminating all the other kingdoms
Peasants:you can build your own village
Calradia at War:adds a lot of functionality and allows for more rewarding gameplay
Band of Warriors:adds a lot of new items,improved troop trees and better gameplay
867 A.D. - Lords of War:Lords of War is a Mount & Blade modification depicting the Danish invasion of England in the 9th Century
Crusaders:a mod about the War between Muslims and Christians
Heraldic Calradia:everything is changed in this one
Lords of the wight:A mod made for undead splatting and other stuff
The Eagle and The Radiant Cross:completely different from native
Holy Bandit:A mini mod based on BOW
Marauders of the Seven Seas:Navigate your ship, Bombard your enemy
1410:In 1410, the armies of Poland and Lithuania together defeated the Teutonic Order in the Battle of Grunewald
A medieval adventure:a complete new story line with changed quest line
Diluvium:Taking place in the beginning of the Bronze Age, centered around the ancient Near East, the time period will be roughly Hammurabi's day, 1750 B.C.
Rebels:adds new storyline with here and there changes
Realistic Steel Textures:Mod replaces non-realistic dark and bluish steel textures of Native with new shiny and much more realistic ones
Double Dealer Mod:This mod adds sneaking skill and three assasination quests in Zendar
Riots of Ravensia Minimod:This mini-mod features 5 quick battles and lets you play the role of a revolting peasant or a watchman in the torn cities of Ravensia
Legions Mod Extended:Legions Mod Extended tells the tale of 11 factions around the Mediterranean,and surrounding lands
Undying Lands:a mod about zombies and vampires
A Kingdom In Turmoil:a complete new map with his own story and quest line
Hyborian Steel:Hyboria is a violent and unforgiving land, where steel determines the outcome of battles and wars, and even who will be King
Town Troops:let you have troops in town
Onin no Ran:a mod about samurai's and other japanese stuff
Guardian Party:mod with story,with many quest,unusual weapons,strong opponents,hidden passages and many chests
Curtain of Fire:If you can afford a magically endowed weapon, you will be able to perform the magic
Modplosion:a mod that has added or changed much things
Land of Eternal Youth:its about when rome left britain,barbarians and tha kind
M&B Classic:this mod makes small adjustments,add fixes and features to the Native M&B without significantly altering the gameplay and balance,keeping the original spirit of Calradia intact
Hundred years war:a mod about the war between french and english people
Pirates of Calradia:This mod is based and Calradia, but vastly expands the scope of native gameplay, particularly by way of ship travel and combat and by way of castle bombardment
The Dark Age:Viking Raiders:mod based on viking and his neighboors
Town siege fix:the name says what it is...
Cries of War soundpack:adds more sounds...
Punkt's High Resolution Texture Pack:changes the graphic ingame
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